Mulled Punch

For a mulled-good time
Our experienced cellar masters in Katlenburghave created this mulled fruit wine using long-established traditional recipes, ardent craftsmanship and a great deal of attention to detail.
Let the warm beverage fill your mouth and enjoy this aromatic indulgence of the finest berries with juicy cherries and spicy winter notes –either with or without alcohol.

Mulled Punch
- Fits to:
Wrapping presents
- Feels like:
Christmas market in a mug
- Tastes like:
The finest berries, juicy cherries and
spicy winter notes –with alcohol.
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Non-alcoholic Mulled Punch
- Fits to:
Crafting DIY advent calendars
- Feels like:
A gingerbread heart from loved ones
- Tastes like:
The finest berries, juicy cherries, and spicy winter notes –without alcohol.
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