Glüh- Apéro

Mulled Glüh-Apéro instead of “Kaffeeklatsch”

With our new trend aperitif, the Hot Wild Berry Glüh-Apéro, we create a magical accompaniment for cosy hours. A warming aperitif that enchants the senses and makes the cold season shine all the more intensely. Instead of coffee and cake, there will be a mulled aperitif this winter. The recipe of the Glüh-Apéro is a symphony of carefully selected aromas. A unique fusion of wild berries in combination with a subtle and harmonious aperitif note.

Drinking tip: Heat lovingly, don’t boil! And then pour it into a porcelain mug in true style.

Glüh-Apéro Hot Wild Berry

  • Fits to:

    Grandma's crockery full of nostalgia

  • Feels like:

    "Kaffeeklatsch" with the whole family

  • Tastes like:

    A unique fusion of fresh wild berries in combination with a subtly harmonious aperitif note

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